Fourth grade students
Library News

Library News

New furniture, new books, new technology! There’s so much happening in our library this spring. This month, students learned coding basics with Sphero Bolt robots and used VR goggles to explore national parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite. Our 6th graders investigated AI and experimented with AI prompt writing. And of course, we read some good books like one of our new favorites, Buffalo Fluffalo. On sunny days, we are taking our learning outside and appreciating the beautiful place where we live. 
Ask your child about the fun things they’ve been learning about and reading in the library. 

As the year winds down, please make sure that kids are returning all those great books they’re checking out. We will be completing a library inventory and need all the books back to be accounted for. Check under those beds and on the shelves for anything with a Minerva barcode sticker. Happy reading, Minerva!

Libary students
Staff Photo
Mrs. Kristy Miller
Sora App Logo Image
Library Loop Newsletter Image
Library Loop - November 2023

Library Loop - CSDF Standards